

為什麼Jason Mraz可以把原本應該情慾的氣氛唱得這麼可愛。








Le jour où il sera possible à la femme d’aimer dans sa force, non dans sa faiblesse, non pour se fuir, mais pour se trouver, non pour se démettre, mais pour s’affirmer, alors l’amour deviendra pour elle comme pour l’homme source de vie et non mortel danger.

- Simone de Beauvoir



- 西蒙 波娃


Long drive, long night

The best night of my life,

With you riding, your hand on my hand.

The thought of arriving, kind of feels like, dying.

I don’t want, to go home and be, alone.


Could we, stay out?

Could you, drive a little slower, don’t matter where we’re going,

As long as I’m with you, we could take the long way.


Chevy Nova, front seat, sofa, getting closer, to you.

Drive a little slower; don’t matter where we’re going, 

As long as I’m with you, we could take the long way.

Drive a little slower, not ready to go home,

I’d rather stay with you.


We could take the long way, to the country out of town.

Let’s get lost; I don’t wanna be found.

Let’s get away, now and be careful not to crash.

There’s no defrost and we’re steaming the glass.

You and the road have a generous shoulder

We can pull over and say we took the long way.


Headlights, not strobe lights,

I can see you, but not quite. 

I can feel you inside; the timing is just right.

For the moment, I don’t want to go home.

Take the long way.


Drive a little slower; don’t matter where we’re going.

Take the long way.

Drive a little slower; don’t matter where we going now.

Take the long way

Drive a little slower; not ready to go home.

I’d rather stay with you.

We can take the long way.


Long drive, long night, 

The best night of my life.



PS. 其實這首歌的歌詞結構一直讓我想到馬致遠的《天淨沙 秋思》,這種聯想感覺還蠻蠢的。


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